The virus, the conspiracies, faith and Easter

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The COVID-19 virus has shut down the world in a manner we have not experienced in our lifetime. Very few thought with the advances in science, that we would ever experience anything like what the 1918 Spanish flu represented ever again; now we are right in the middle of it. Some have interpreted this as nature rebalancing the activities of man, the environment fighting back, some think it is a bio-engineered warfare, some that it’s just a novel virus which man is well capable if overcoming- whatever school of though you belong to, the unshakable pain of the moment is the lives being irretrievably lost. Recently the UK hit over 900 human beings that died in a single day from COVID-19. New York city, Spain, Italy, France are trending similar numbers per day. Some nations have seen much less, but the trajectory of this virus, where it’s next virulence will manifest, whether or not it can return to countries where the first battle has been wo like China, whether or not people can be re-infected, whether we can develop immunity to this virus, whether a vaccine can be successful in treating it- so many questions, all the answers are somewhere in the future!

Recently the UK hit over 900 human beings that died in a single day from COVID-19

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In the midst of uncertainties and with much of the world finding new free time on their hands- a good breeding ground for conspiracy theories is well set! From the link between 5G and the coronavirus, to strained explanations seeking a link between the pandemic and the end times. In this era of fake news and self broadcasting, we cannot avoid these things, the trouble comes when people with influence and leaders irresponsibly promote these things and sow fear and discord in society. Well in our modern world there are so many product approval systems, regulations and controls by governments, intelligence and various independent bodies focused on consumers interests than for a technology that is capable of the level of harm being ascribed to 5G to be released . There must have been collective system failures in thousands of entities around the world. This simply cannot reasonably happen.

There must have been collective system failures in thousands of product and consumer safety entities around the world. This simply cannot reasonably happen.


In this musing of a write up, I have to devote a paragraph to the many links between this and the end of times. I have had a couple of invitations to ‘end time’ groups on Facebook seeking various interpretations of the times over the past week. I agree we are in the end of times as defined by Matt 24 and have been for quite sometime. But the scriptures tell us that a thousand years are like a day before the lord and 1 day like a thousand years. The length of the Matt 24 years is not one any living person can determine. Especially for Pentecostals it is important to stress that Kenneth E Hagin, R W Shambach, Morris Cerullo and other preachers were very adamant based on the interpretation of the times that the coming of Christ will be in their lifetimes as we know Hagin and Schambach are long gone to be with the Lord and Cerullo is in his late 80’s. Only proving the point that “…no one knows, not even the angels in heaven nor son of man” Matt 24:36. Many who like the study of escatology will argue the point that the scripture encourages to seek an understanding of the times and in Revelations 13:18 “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six“. many have made this scripture the lifelong pursuit of their Christian faith. I am convinced from scripture that there is a first flight before the great tribulation as revealed in Revelation; while believers will experience Matt 24 as indicators of the end, the great tribulation ain’t for us- and the premises of my Christian faith is to catch the first flight!

the premises of my Christian faith is to catch the first flight!

Talking of catching the first flight….reminds me that today is Good Friday, the day jesus was led to his death on the cross to redeem us to God. and more importantly that the fact that he died is the fact that he rose of Easter morning, completing the work of redemption! I am a beneficiary and I will celebrate this great salvation especially more so during this weekend in isolation. Happy Easter, God bless us, everyone!

I am a beneficiary and I will celebrate this great salvation

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